Friday, April 10, 2015

Hillary Clinton Friday Funday!

So, big news today, guys! Hillary Clinton is FINALLY (but please don't quote her on this) probably, maybe, potentially, quite possibly going to announce or not at all announce her candidacy for president THIS SUNDAY (maybe, who knows, she really hasn't thought about it much.) Isn't that exciting? To be clear, Hillary Clinton is officially running for President unless she's NOT running for president, she just wants to make that very clear. "Honestly," stated Clinton, who appeared to have written YOU'LL TAKE THE PRESIDENCY FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS over and over all up and down her arms, "I really haven't thought about it at all. Maybe I'll run, who knows."

In any case, I have to admit, this news leaves me torn. Because on the one hand, HILLARY. But like, on the other hand, HILLARY. You know? Also, I've begun a secret (not so secret) love affair with Wall Street Public Enemy #1, Elizabeth Warren, who either needs to run for President or birth all my babies, I haven't decided which. Maybe both? How about we just let Senator Warren stew over her options awhile (no pressure Elizabeth but our babies would be beautiful, call me!) and in the meantime, let us all gather together to watch this video (below) of Queen Madge doing a children's instrument cover of her classic 80s hit, Holiday, courtesy of my other secret lover, Jimmy Fallon. Question: do you think Senator Warren would mind a three-way marriage with Jimmy Fallon? I mean clearly at that point I would have to divorce my husband because being married to THREE people just seems ludicrous, but every other part of the arrangement makes total sense. (All I'm saying is think about it, Senator Warren.)

Happy Friday!

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