Thursday, May 7, 2015

Things That Are Brilliant: 12 Angry Men Inside Amy Schumer

I think I may just change the name of this blog to Marry Me Amy Schumer And Birth All My Comedy Babies, for this week's Inside Amy Schumer offering is truly next level. Really, it's like there's the normal ground-level bar where most comedy is set, and this sketch (below) just rockets clear over that lowly bar and sets a whole new bar in fucking outer space. And for those of you wondering whether it's even possible for a comedy sketch to be not just good, not just funny, but artistic, truly a work of art-- the answer is yes.  And perhaps that's what's so exciting and refreshing about Amy Schumer; her sketches are NOT the same old packaged sophomoric bullshit geared towards a universe in which only straight white males live. Her sketches have resonance and weight.

"See that face? That is a butter face, damn it!"

FYI: the sketch below is 20 minutes long, takes up the entirety of Amy Schumer's run time, and is a pitch perfect play on the classic black and white movie (which is based on the play) 12 Angry Men. And I promise you, it is worth every second of your time.

Here, instead of the defendant being tried for murder, Amy Schumer is tried for the egregious crime of not being attractive enough for her own prime time TV show. The fate of Inside Amy Schumer then is left to a jury of old, paunchy, unattractive men who must decide whether Amy gives them enough "reasonable chub" to allow her to stay on the air. (Hilariously, the question of whether or not Schumer is funny is dismissed immediately. She's a woman so of course she's not funny. The question is would you want to fuck her? Would you want to mash your face between her breasts and make helicopter noises? Would you want to jack-off on the couch while picturing her face?) Once again, Schumer takes an issue most women deal with on a daily basis and turns it into next-level comedy; Why is it OK for men to put women on trial when male attractiveness is never ever an issue?

Guys, this is a tour de force. It's rare that I get the chance to say I feel like I've seen something new but truly, I feel like I've seen something new. Give this one a watch and then watch all of her other sketches because she's a genius and I wish I had written all of them.

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